KARIO Terms of service

Article 1 (Scope of Application)

  1. Accommodation contracts concluded between this Hotel and the guests concerning “KARIO”, as well as related contracts, shall be governed by the provisions of these terms and conditions. Matters not provided for in these terms and conditions shall be governed by laws and regulations (hereinafter referred to as "laws and regulations") or generally established customs.
  2. In the case that the Hotel agrees to special provisions within the scope not contrary to laws and regulations and customs, such provisions shall take precedence over the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 2 (Application for Accommodation Contract)

  1. Persons wishing to apply for an accommodation contract with the Hotel shall provide the following information:

    (1) Name(s) of the guest(s):
    (2) Date of stay and expected time of arrival:
    (3) Accommodation fee (including various taxes):
    (4) Other information deemed necessary by the Hotel

  2. If a guest requests to extend their stay beyond the stay date specified in item (2) of the preceding paragraph during their stay, the Hotel will process it as a new application for an accommodation contract at the time the request is made.

Article 3 (Conclusion of Accommodation Contract)

  1. An accommodation contract shall be deemed concluded when the Hotel accepts the application under the preceding article, displays the acceptance on the KARIO official website (hereinafter referred to as "the website"), or when an electronic mail indicating acceptance reaches the server managing the email address designated by the guest.
  2. When an accommodation contract is concluded pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the guest shall pay the application fee specified by the Hotel as the basic accommodation fee for the accommodation period (up to 3 days when exceeding 3 days) by the date specified by the Hotel.
  3. The application fee shall be applied to the accommodation fee ultimately payable by the guest, and in the event of circumstances subject to the provisions of Articles 6 and 18, it shall be applied in the order of penalty fees and then compensation fees, and any remaining amount shall be refunded at the time of payment of the fee pursuant to the provisions of Article 12.
  4. If the guest fails to pay the application fee specified in paragraph 2 by the date specified by the Hotel, the accommodation contract shall lose its effect. However, this shall only apply when the Hotel has notified the guest of the payment due date.
  5. If the Hotel mistakenly presents an incorrect accommodation fee on the website, accepts an application for an accommodation contract based on that accommodation fee, and the said fee is significantly lower than the accommodation fees for preceding or subsequent dates without indication of reasons for the low fee such as "limited," "special," "campaign," etc., it may notify the guest of the cancellation of the accommodation contract on the grounds of mistake under civil law.

Article 4 (Special Provisions Not Requiring Payment of Application Fee)

  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3, the Hotel may agree to special provisions that do not require payment of the application fee after the conclusion of the contract.
  2. When the Hotel accepts an application for an accommodation contract without requesting payment of the application fee under paragraph 2 of the preceding article or specifying the payment due date for the application fee, it shall be treated as agreeing to the special provisions under the preceding paragraph.

Article 4-2 (Request for Cooperation in Preventive Measures against Infection at the Facility)
The Hotel may request persons intending to stay to cooperate in accordance with Article 4-2, paragraph 1 of the Hotel Business Act (Act No. 138 of 1948).

Article 5 (Refusal to Conclude Accommodation Contract)

  1. The Hotel may refuse to conclude an accommodation contract in the following cases. However, this provision does not imply that KARIO may refuse accommodation in cases other than those listed in Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act.

(1) When the application for accommodation does not comply with these terms and conditions.
(2) When there is no availability of guest rooms due to full occupancy.
(3) When it is recognized that the person intending to stay may engage in acts that violate laws and regulations, public order, or good morals regarding accommodation.
(4) When the person intending to stay falls under any of the following:

ⅰ. Gangsters as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Law on the Prevention of Irregularities by Gangsters (Act No. 77 of 1991), gangsters, quasi-gangsters, or other antisocial forces.
ⅱ. When a corporation or other organization is controlled by gangsters or gang members
ⅲ. When officers of a corporation include gangsters

(5) When the person intending to stay engages in behavior that causes significant nuisance to other guests.
(6) When the person intending to stay makes violent demands or demands that impose an unreasonable burden on KARIO or its employees, excluding cases where the person intending to stay requests the removal of social barriers under Article 7, paragraph 2, or Article 8, paragraph 2 of the Act on Promotion of Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Act No. 65 of 2013).
(7) When the person intending to stay is a patient or similar person with specified infectious diseases as defined in Article 4-2, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Hotel Business Act.
(8) When the person intending to stay repeatedly makes demands specified in Article 5-6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Innkeeper Act as requests that place an excessive burden on KARIO, hindering the provision of accommodation services to other guests.
(9) When it is impossible to accommodate due to natural disasters, facility malfunctions, or other unavoidable reasons.
(10) When there are reasons specified by prefectural ordinances.
(11) When only unaccompanied minors without parental permission are to stay.
(12) When the applicant for accommodation secretly applies for the purpose of gaining economic benefits from the reserved room.

Article 5-2 (Explanation of Refusal to Conclude Accommodation Contract)
Persons intending to stay may request the Hotel to explain the reasons if it refuses to conclude an accommodation contract based on the preceding article.

Article 6: Right of Contract Termination by Guest

  1. The guest may request our company to terminate the accommodation contract.
  2. In cases where the guest terminates all or part of the accommodation contract due to reasons attributable to them (excluding cases where our company has specified the payment deadline for the application fee in accordance with Article 3, Paragraph 2, and the guest cancels the accommodation contract before such payment), our company will impose a penalty fee as indicated on the reservation page of the website or various travel reservation sites. However, in cases where our company has agreed to the special provision in Article 4, Paragraph 1, the obligation to pay the penalty fee when the guest cancels the accommodation contract shall be limited to when our company has notified the guest of such obligation.
  3. If the guest fails to arrive by 3:00 p.m. on the day of arrival without prior notice (or 30 minutes past the specified arrival time if indicated), our company may consider the accommodation contract canceled by the guest and proceed accordingly.

Article 7: Right of Contract Termination by Our Company

  1. Our company may terminate the accommodation contract in the following cases. However, this provision does not imply that our company may refuse accommodation in cases other than those listed under Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act.

    (1) When there is a concern that the guest may engage in acts that violate laws and regulations, public order, or good morals regarding accommodation, or when such acts have been observed.
    (2) When the guest falls under the following categories:

    ⅰ. Members of organized crime groups, gang members, quasi-members of organized crime groups, or individuals associated with organized crime groups or other antisocial forces.
    ⅱ. When organized crime groups or gang members control corporate bodies or other organizations.
    ⅲ. When officers of a corporation include individuals who fall under gang members.

    (3) When the guest engages in behaviors causing significant inconvenience to other guests.
    (4) When the guest is a patient with specific infectious diseases.
    (5) When the guest makes violent demands towards our company or its employees, or demands excessive burdens beyond reasonable limits (except when the guest is requesting the removal of social barriers under Article 7, Paragraph 2, or Article 8, Paragraph 2 of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities).
    (6) When the guest repeatedly makes requests specified in Article 5-6 of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Hotel Business Act, which impose excessive burdens on our company and significantly hinder the provision of accommodation services to other guests.
    (7) When it is impossible to accommodate due to force majeure such as natural disasters.
    (8) When the guest fails to comply with the prohibitions specified in the usage rules, such as smoking in the bedroom, playing pranks on firefighting equipment, or other prohibitions established by our company.
    (9) When reasons specified in Article 5, Paragraphs 11 and 12, become apparent after the conclusion of the accommodation contract.
    (10) When the guest violates this agreement, our company's usage rules, or other separately stipulated agreements, etc.

  2. In cases where our company terminates the accommodation contract based on the preceding provision, no charges will be imposed for accommodation services that have not yet been provided to the guest. However, in cases other than those specified in Article 7, Subparagraph 7, a penalty fee equivalent to the amount of the accommodation service not yet received may be imposed. In this case, it does not prevent claims based on Article 18.

Article 7-2: Explanation of Contract Termination
The guest may request our company to provide an explanation if our company terminates the accommodation contract based on the preceding article.

Article 8 (Registration of Accommodation)

  1. Guests are required to register the following details on the pre-check-in form provided by our company by the day of accommodation:

    (1) Guest's name, address, and contact information.
    (2) For foreign guests without an address in Japan, nationality, and passport number (3) Other items deemed necessary by the Company

  2. Guests are required to register the following details on the pre-check-in form provided by our company by the day of accommodation. If guests intend to make payment for accommodation fees using methods such as accommodation vouchers or credit cards as alternatives to currency, they must present these during the registration mentioned above.

Article 9 (Occupancy Hours of Guest Rooms)

Guests may use the company's guest rooms from 3:00 PM on the day of accommodation until 10:00 AM the following morning. However, in the case of consecutive stays, excluding the arrival and departure days, the rooms may be used throughout the day.

Article 10 (Compliance with Rules of Use)

Guests are required to comply with the rules of use provided by our company while on the premises.

Article 11 (Business Hours)

  1. The operating hours of our main facilities are as follows, and detailed operating hours for other facilities will be provided through brochures, notices within the facility, and information books in guest rooms, among others:

    (1) Service hours for front desk, cashier, etc.: As specified in the facility's notices
    (2) Service hours for dining facilities and other supplementary service facilities: As specified in the facility's notices
    (3) Operating hours for other supplementary service facilities: As specified in the facility's notices

  2. The above-mentioned hours may be subject to temporary changes if deemed necessary. In such cases, appropriate notifications will be provided.

Article 12 (Payment of Fees)

  1. The breakdown and calculation method of accommodation fees and other fees to be paid by guests shall be based on the agreed-upon rates between our company and the guest.
  2. Payment of accommodation fees and other fees mentioned in the previous clause shall be made at the front desk upon the guest's arrival or when requested by our company, using the designated currency specified by the Japanese government or methods such as accommodation vouchers or credit cards approved by our company.
  3. Even if a guest fails to utilize the provided guest room after it becomes available for use, accommodation fees will still be charged.

Article 13 (Responsibility of Our Company)

Our company shall compensate guests for damages incurred due to the performance or non-performance of accommodation contracts and related contracts. However, this does not apply if the cause is not attributable to our company.

Article 14 (Handling When Unable to Provide Contracted Rooms)

  1. In the event that our company is unable to provide the contracted guest room to a guest, with the guest's consent, our company will make every effort to arrange alternative accommodations under similar conditions.
  2. In cases where our company is unable to arrange alternative accommodations despite efforts, a compensation fee equivalent to the cancellation fee will be paid to the guest, and this compensation fee will be deducted from the amount of damages to be compensated. However, no compensation fee will be paid if our company is not at fault for the inability to provide the room.

Article 15 (Handling of Deposited Items)

  1. Our company does not accept custody of articles, cash, or valuables. In unavoidable circumstances, if damage such as loss or destruction occurs to items, cash, or valuables deposited by guests with our company, except in cases of force majeure, our company will compensate for the damage. However, concerning cash and valuables, if our company has requested disclosure of their type and value, and the guest fails to comply, our company will compensate for the damage up to ¥150,000 or the limit of the Ryokan Compensation Liability Insurance.
  2. In cases where guests bring items or cash and valuables into our company's premises without depositing them at the front desk, and damage such as loss or destruction occurs due to our company's intentional or negligent acts, our company will compensate for the damage. However, concerning items for which the type and value were not disclosed in advance by the guest, except in cases where our company is intentionally or grossly negligent, our company will compensate for the damage up to ¥150,000 or the limit of the Hotel Liability Insurance.

Article 16 (Storage of Guest's Baggage or Belongings)

  1. Our company does not offer baggage storage services. Additionally, we do not accept baggage storage through advance delivery or other means.
  2. In the event that a guest leaves behind their baggage or belongings at the hotel after check-out, and the owner is identified, our company will generally await inquiry and instructions from the owner. If no instructions are provided by the owner or if the owner cannot be identified, cash or items deemed valuable by our company will be stored for a certain period and then delivered to the nearest police station. However, items such as food, tobacco, magazines, and items deemed difficult to store for hygiene reasons by the hotel will be disposed of on the same day.
  3. When guests use the self-luggage storage space, they are expected to comply with the terms and conditions posted in that space.

Article 17 (Responsibility for Parking)

Irrespective of whether a Guest deposits the key to a vehicle with the Hotel or not, when a Guest utilizes the car parking facility of the Hotel, the Hotel is only making car parking space available and shall not be responsible for care and custody of the Guest's vehicle. Provided always that the Hotel shall compensate any damage caused to a Guest's vehicle arising from intentional or negligent management of the car parking facility by the Hotel.

Article 18 (Responsibility of Guests)

If our company incurs expenses for cleaning, repairs to guest rooms, loss of sales opportunities, or other damages due to acts by guests that violate this agreement or the rules of use, or for reasons attributable to guests, guests will be required to compensate our company for the incurred damages. These reasons include:

  1. Damage, theft, or other issues with hotel facilities or equipment.
  2. Special cleaning required beyond normal use due to food, vomiting, blood, bodily fluids, or soiling.
  3. Smoking inside the hotel premises
  4. Expenses incurred for disposal or storage of abandoned items.

Article 19 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

Any disputes arising from accommodation contracts and related contracts governed by this agreement shall be resolved in accordance with Japanese law by the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the first-instance court.

Revised on December 29, 2020
Revised on March 25, 2024

Usage Rules

Guests using our facilities are required to abide by the following rules based on Article 10 of the Accommodation Terms and Conditions. Please kindly note that if you fail to comply with the provisions of these rules, we may refuse to continue your accommodation in accordance with Article 7 of the Accommodation Terms and Conditions.

Use of Facilities and Guest Rooms

Check-In Time

  • Check-in Time: 15:00
  • Entry to our hotel (all facilities) before the check-in time is not permitted.

Check-out Time

  • Check-out Time: 10:00
  • Late Check-out: Up to 12:00 maximum. A fee of 2,000 yen (tax included) will be charged for every 30 minutes.


  • Please always lock the door and use the door guard not only during your sleep but also while you are in the room.
  • When leaving your room during your stay, please ensure that the door is locked.
  • Please be cautious near windows and balconies. We are not responsible for accidents caused by guests' carelessness.
  • Please familiarize yourself with emergency evacuation routes in advance.

Use of Guest Rooms

  • Without permission from our hotel (all facilities), please refrain from using guest rooms for purposes other than accommodation (such as exhibitions or other events).
  • As indoor shoes are strictly prohibited, please remove your shoes at the entrance.
  • Loud singing or noisemaking in the room or around the facility that may cause inconvenience to other guests or nearby residents is strictly prohibited.
  • If the use of the guest room exceeds normal usage and special cleaning is required due to food, vomiting, blood, bodily fluids, or soiling, a special cleaning fee of 50,000 yen (tax included) will be charged.

Use of Facilities and Amenities

  • Without permission from our hotel (all facilities), please do not move or alter fixtures in the guest room, or significantly modify the current state.
  • Please do not take small items or fixtures from the guest room to outside areas.
  • In the event of loss, damage, or contamination of buildings, furniture, fixtures, or other items due to reasons other than force majeure, appropriate compensation will be required.

Use of Kitchen

  • Please feel free to use all amenities in the kitchen. Before departure, please return everything to its original place and empty the refrigerator.

Toilet Use

  • Please do not flush anything other than toilet paper down the toilet.

Use of Fire

  • Do not use heating, cooking, or other open flames, candles, etc., in the guest room or corridor without permission from the hotel. Cooking in the guest room is strictly prohibited (except for rooms with cooking facilities).

Use of Lighting Fixtures

  • Do not hang clothes or hang laundry on lighting fixtures.

Use of Knives

  • Please note that the hotel (all facilities) cannot be held responsible for injuries or problems caused using knives and other sharp objects installed in the guest room.

Knife Retal

  • At hotels with a front desk, scissors are only available for use at the front desk. Please note that we do not lend any other sharp objects such as fruit knives, etc.
  • At hotels without a front desk, we do not lend scissors or other sharp objects such as fruit knives, so please understand.

Disposal of Garbage

  • Please dispose of garbage during your stay in the trash can provided in your room.
  • Please do not take out the garbage after check-out.
  • Please separate and dispose of garbage according to the following rules:
    ・Combustible garbage: kitchen waste, paper, wood, clothing, etc.
    ・Non-combustible waste: glass, ceramics, metals, etc.
    ・Plastic: plastic wrappers, plastic bottle caps, etc. (items with the plastic mark)
    ・Recyclable waste: bottles, cans, PET bottles, newspapers, etc.
  • Please ensure that bottles and plastic containers are empty and, if heavily soiled, rinse well.
  • Fold cardboard boxes (shoe boxes, etc.), newspapers, magazines, etc., and tie them with string.
  • Do not dispose of bulky waste (suitcases, furniture, bicycles, strollers, etc.).
  • If bulky waste is disposed of or left behind, a disposal fee and handling fee of 5,000 yen (including tax) per item will be charged.


  • We regret to inform that accommodation for minors is only permissible with the consent of all guardians of the minors wishing to stay.
  • Accommodation and entry are restricted to registered guests only.
  • Usage of rooms by a number of occupants exceeding the contracted capacity (maximum occupancy) is generally prohibited. If such unauthorized usage is discovered, the additional usage beyond the contracted capacity will be charged.

Changes to Accommodation Dates

  • If you wish to change the duration of your stay, please contact the hotel front desk in advance.


  • Visiting guests are kindly requested to meet outside the hotel premises.

Management of Personal Belongings

  • Please do not abandon or dispose of large items such as suitcases and strollers.
  • If any of the aforementioned items are found remaining after checkout, a disposal fee of ¥5,000 (tax included) per item will be charged.

Delivery Items

  • Delivery of parcels or goods from external sources is discouraged during your stay at our hotel (all facilities).
  • For food delivery services, please collect your items personally from the front lobby.
  • The hotel accepts no responsibility for the collection of parcels or goods.


  • Our hotel (all facilities) maintains a strict no-smoking policy throughout the premises. In the event that evidence of smoking, such as cigarette butts, is discovered, a restoration fee of ¥30,000 (tax included) will be charged.

Additional Services

Room Cleaning

  • At our hotel (all facilities), room cleaning is not provided during your stay but is conducted after checkout. However, for stays of 7 nights or more, complimentary cleaning is provided once every 7 days for hygiene purposes.
  • If you wish to have your room cleaned during your stay, an additional cleaning service is available for ¥4,400 (tax included) per session. Please notify the front desk by 3:00 PM the day before your preferred cleaning date.

Room Garbage Collection

  • Room garbage collection is not conducted during your stay at our hotel (all facilities) but is carried out after checkout.
  • For guests staying at hotels with a front desk, if you wish to request the garbage collection, please inform the front desk.
  • For guests staying at hotels without a front desk, if you wish to request the garbage collection, please inform the cloud reception.

Additional and Collection of Room Towels

  • Additional or collection of room towels is not conducted during your stay at our hotel (all facilities) but is carried out after checkout.
  • For guests staying at hotels with a front desk, please inform the front desk or cloud reception if you wish to add or collect room towels.
  • For guests staying at hotels without a front desk, please inform the cloud reception if you wish to add or collect room towels.

Additional and Collection of Bed Sheets

  • Additional or collection of bed sheets is not conducted during your stay at our hotel (all facilities) but is carried out after checkout.
  • For guests staying at hotels with a front desk, please inform the front desk or cloud reception if you wish to add or collect bed sheets.
  • For guests staying at hotels without a front desk, please inform the cloud reception if you wish to add or collect bed sheets.

Handling of Valuables and Deposited Items

Luggage Deposit

  • At our hotel (all facilities), we do not accept luggage deposits before check-in time or after check-out time. Additionally, we do not accept luggage deposits via pre-delivery arrangements.
  • For hotels with self-luggage spaces, guests may temporarily store their luggage at their own risk only if they agree to the terms and conditions of use of the self-luggage space.
  • However, please note that the self-luggage space is provided for temporary storage of guests' belongings and does not constitute the hotel's acceptance of the guests' belongings. The hotel's liability is limited to the terms and conditions separately stipulated.

Loss or Theft of Luggage

  • At our hotel (all facilities), regardless of whether you are staying or not, we do not take responsibility for loss, theft, or other incidents that may occur within the hotel premises.

Handling of Lost Items

  • At our hotel (all facilities), we handle lost items within the premises in accordance with the Lost Property Act.
  • If you wish to retrieve lost items within the storage period, please visit the designated facility specified by our hotel.
  • Generally, we do not offer shipping services for lost items from our hotel (all facilities). If shipping is necessary due to unavoidable circumstances, the cost of shipping will be borne by the guest.
  • In cases where disposal of abandoned items incurs expenses, a disposal fee of ¥5,000 (tax included) per item will be charged.

Payment Information

Payment for Services

  • At our hotel (all facilities), accommodation charges or payments for additional services are accepted only via credit card or electronic payment.

Other Payments

  • At our hotel (all facilities), we do not accept cash advances for shopping expenses, ticket fees, taxi fares, postage stamp fees, shipping fees, etc.

Prohibited Items and Behaviors within the Hotel Premises


  • Animals such as pets (except for assistance dogs)
  • Gunpowder, volatile oils, or other flammable or combustible substances
  • Items emitting foul odors.
  • Items prohibited from being brought into or possessed within Japan by law or ordinance.
  • Any other items deemed inappropriate for operation by our hotel (all facilities)

Speech and Conduct

  • Acts disrupting public morals, including gambling, or speech and conduct causing inconvenience to other guests.
  • Distribution of advertisements, promotional materials, sale of goods, or solicitation, etc.
  • Photography in hotel public spaces without permission from our hotel (all facilities) and using photographs taken within the hotel for commercial purposes.
  • Inappropriate use of mobile phones such as loud conversations or calls in inappropriate places, causing discomfort or inconvenience to other guests.
  • Any other acts deemed inappropriate for operation by our hotel (all facilities)

Concerning Organized Crime and Acts Contrary to Public Order and Morality

  • The use of our hotel by designated organized crime groups and designated members of organized crime groups is prohibited under the "Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members" (enforced on March 1, 1992). If such facts are discovered after booking or during use, the use will be refused at that time.
  • Use of our hotel by anti-social groups and their members (such as organized crime groups and extremist groups) is prohibited. If such facts are discovered after booking or during use, the use will be refused at that time.
  • Acts of violence, coercion, extortion, intimidation, or similar behavior will result in immediate refusal of hotel use. Individuals who have previously engaged in such behavior will also be refused use.
  • If guests using the hotel are deemed to be physically or mentally weakened, or unable to ensure their own safety due to medication or alcohol consumption, or if there is a risk of causing danger, fear, or anxiety to other guests, use will be refused immediately.
  • Loud singing or noisy behavior in the hotel premises or guest rooms that causes discomfort or inconvenience to others, as well as gambling or acts contrary to public order and morality, will result in immediate refusal of use. Any other acts similar to the above will also result in refusal of use.

Other Important Notices

  • Please promptly cease any actions that violate these rules or are deemed by our hotel (all facilities) to cause inconvenience to other guests. Failure to comply with instructions may result in eviction from the premises.
  • Even if not explicitly stated in these rules, our hotel (all facilities) reserves the right to prohibit certain actions or use based on our discretion. Please be aware of this in advance.
  • If you refuse to vacate the premises despite instructions from our hotel (all facilities), we may report the matter to relevant authorities such as the police. In such cases, no refunds will be provided for accommodation fees or other expenses.
  • Our hotel does not assume any responsibility for accidents, loss or theft of luggage or keys, or disputes between guests.
  • In the event of unforeseen circumstances, including natural disasters, or operational necessities, our hotel (all facilities) may not be available for use.
  • During emergencies requiring evacuation, please follow instructions from announcements and staff guidance calmly.
  • Matters not covered by these rules will be governed by the accommodation agreement of our hotel (all facilities).
  • These rules are subject to periodic changes.

Revised on December 2, 2022
Revised on December 20, 2023
Revised on March 25, 2024